Saturday, November 30, 2019
Music Genres free essay sample
Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions: 1 . ) Did a specific genre affect the students academic performance? 2. ) What are the effects on the student? A. ) Grades b. ) Behavior C. Objectives The objective of this study is to determine whether music genres affect a students academic performance. Specifically, the study aims the following: 1. ) To test if music genres affect the academic performance of students. 2. ) To know what music genre best affects the students. D. Hypothesis These specific theoretical statements were provided as basis for the procedures of he investigatory project: 1 . There is a significant difference on the effects of different music genres to the students academic performance. 2. ) There is no significant difference on the effects of different music genres to the students academic performance. E. Scope and Limitation This study was conducted in First City Providential College. The study was focused on if the music genres a student listen to will affect his/her academic performance. We will write a custom essay sample on Music Genres or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page F. Significance of the Study This study is focused on if the music genres a student listen to will affect his/her academic performance.If proven to have an effect, this could help students to improve their academic performance by listening to the right music genre. G. Related Literature GIG. Music Genre A music genre is a conventional category that identifies pieces of music as belonging to a shared tradition or set of conventions. It is to be distinguished from musical form and musical style, although in practice these terms are sometimes used interchangeably. GIG . A. Alternative Rock Alternative rock is a genre of rock music that emerged from the independent music underground of the sass and became widely popular by the sass. GIG . . Classical Music Classical music is art music produced or rooted in the traditions of Western music (both liturgical and secular). It encompasses a broad period from roughly the 1 lath century to the present day. GIG . D. Hip hop Hip hop is a broad conglomerate of artistic forms that originated within a the sass in New York City. GIG . E. K-pop K-pop is a musical genre originating in South Korea that is characterized by a wide variety of audio visual elements. GIG . F. Pop Music Pop Music is a genre of popular music which originated in its modern form in the sass, deriving from rock and roll. GIG . G.Rock Music Musically, rock has centered on the electric guitar, usually as part of a rock group with bass guitar and drums. Typically, rock is song-based music usually with a 4/4 time signature utilizing a verse-chorus form, but the genre has become extremely diverse and common musical characteristics are difficult to define. Like pop music, lyrics often stress romantic love but also address a wide variety of other themes that are frequently social or political in emphasis. The dominance of rock by white, male musicians has been seen as one of the key factors shaping the hems explored in rock music. Rock places a higher degree of emphasis on musicianship, live performance, and an ideology of authenticity than pop music. H. Related Studies It is quite easy to see exactly how strong the power of music is and will become in the future. There have been many studies proven this. For example, a study shows that students who studied music in high school made better grades than those who did not. The reasoning for this is that listening to music makes you think more efficiently and improves your memory.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Is it Right to Categorize The Past as Valid (but, as a whole essays
Is it Right to Categorize The Past as Valid (but, as a whole essays This is an extremely controversial question, however, I believe that it is correct to say that the past is valid. In contrast it is probably unknowable because we are forced to believe the documentation, which people have recorded in the past if we want to learn about history. This documentation may not be completely correct in any case, it may be biased, or it may be impartial. Pictures may be taken out of context and people may be misquoted. I believe what I generally hear about the past, but only if I think it is an objective view, from a textbook. I would debate something that Hitler said about foreign affairs because I would think he is being biased, but only because I am able to see with hindsight that he has lied about things in the past. I would categorize history as invalid because the evidence we are proposed with may not always be correct or applicable. In respect to this, history is a form of knowledge because we are constantly learning about it and any information we acc umulate in our minds becomes knowledge. Historical knowledge and historical truth are two completely different things. I do not generally believe in historical truth, however, there are two truths. For example, it is historical truth that world war two existed; however, it may not be historical truth why. Documents and evidence may be incorrect and so you cannot know what the truth is. However, historical knowledge is not like historical truth at all, it is knowledge you have accumulated about the past. ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
The Six Biological Kingdoms
The Six Biological Kingdoms Organisms are classified into three domains and into one of six kingdoms of life. The Six Kingdoms of Life ArchaebacteriaEubacteriaProtistaFungiPlantaeAnimalia Organisms are placed into these categories based on similarities or common characteristics. Some of the characteristics that are used to determine placement are cell type, nutrient acquisition, and reproduction. The two main cell types are prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Common types of nutrient acquisition include photosynthesis, absorption, and ingestion. Types of reproduction include asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction. Archaebacteria Moelyn Photos/Getty Images Archaebacteria are single-celled prokaryotes originally thought to be bacteria. They are in the Archaea Domain and have a unique ribosomal RNA type. The cell wall composition of these extreme organisms allows them to live in some very inhospitable places, such as hot springs and hydrothermal vents. Archaea of the methanogen species can also be found in the guts of animals and humans. Domain: ArchaeaOrganisms: Methanogens, halophiles, thermophiles, and psychrophilesCell Type: ProkaryoticMetabolism: Depending on species- oxygen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, sulfur, sulfide may be needed for metabolismNutrition Acquisition: Depending on species- nutrition intake may by absorption, non-photosynthetic photophosphorylation, or chemosynthesisReproduction: Asexual reproduction by binary fission, budding, or fragmentation Eubacteria NNehring / Getty Images These organisms are considered to be true bacteria and are classified under the Bacteria Domain. Bacteria live in almost every type of environment and are often associated with disease. Most bacteria, however, do not cause disease. Bacteria are the main microscopic organisms that compose the human microbiota. There are more bacteria in the human gut, for instance, than there are body cells. Bacteria ensure that our bodies function normally. These microbes reproduce at an alarming rate under the right conditions. Most reproduce asexually by binary fission. Bacteria have varied and distinct bacterial cell shapes including round, spiral, and rod shapes. Domain: BacteriaOrganisms: Bacteria, cyanobacteria (blue-green algae), and actinobacteriaCell Type: ProkaryoticMetabolism: Depending on species- oxygen may be toxic, tolerated, or needed for metabolismNutrition Acquisition: Depending on species- nutrition intake may by absorption, photosynthesis, or chemosynthesisReproduction: Asexual Protista  NNehring / Getty Images The protista kingdom includes a very diverse group of organisms. Some have characteristics of animals (protozoa), while others resemble plants (algae) or fungi (slime molds). These eukaryotic organisms have a nucleus that is enclosed within a membrane. Some protists have organelles that are found in animals cells (mitochondria), while others have organelles that are found in plant cells (chloroplasts). Protists that are similar to plants are capable of photosynthesis. Many protists are parasitic pathogens that cause disease in animals and humans. Others exist in commensalistic or mutualistic relationships with their host. Domain: EukaryaOrganisms: Amoebae, green algae, brown algae, diatoms, euglena, and slime moldsCell Type: EukaryoticMetabolism: Oxygen is needed for metabolismNutrition Acquisition: Depending on species- nutrition intake may be by absorption, photosynthesis, or ingestionReproduction: Mostly asexual, but meiosis occurs in some species Fungi Luise Thiemann/EyeEm/Getty Images Fungi include both unicellular (yeast and molds) and multicellular (mushrooms) organisms. Unlike plants, fungi are not capable of photosynthesis. Fungi are important for the recycling of nutrients back into the environment. They decompose organic matter and acquire nutrients through absorption. While some fungal species contain toxins that are deadly to animals and humans, others have beneficial uses, such as for the production of penicillin and related antibiotics. Domain: EukaryaOrganisms: Mushrooms, yeast, and moldsCell Type: EukaryoticMetabolism: Oxygen is needed for metabolismNutrition Acquisition: AbsorptionReproduction: Sexual or asexual through spore formation Plantae Created by MaryAnne Nelson / Getty Images Plants are extremely important to all life on earth as they provide oxygen, shelter, clothing, food, and medicine for other living organisms. This diverse group contains vascular and nonvascular plants, flowering and nonflowering plants, as well as seed bearing and non-seed bearing plants. As photosynthetic organisms, plants are primary producers and support life for most food chains in the planets major biomes. Animalia Doug Allan / Getty Images This kingdom includes animal organisms. These multicellular eukaryotes depend on plants and other organisms for nutrition. Most animals live in aquatic environments and range in size from tiny tardigrades to the extremely large blue whale. Most animals reproduce by sexual reproduction, which involves fertilization (the union of male and female gametes). Domain: EukaryaOrganisms: Mammals, amphibians, sponges, insects, worms.Cell Type: EukaryoticMetabolism: Oxygen is needed for metabolism.Nutrition Acquisition: IngestionReproduction: Sexual reproduction occurs in most and asexual reproduction in some.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Shame by Dick Gregory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Shame by Dick Gregory - Essay Example Richard feels inferior to Helene Tucker. He is afraid of even coming close to her and keeps a distance whenever he wants to greet her. He even has to clean his hand before greeting her. The narrator feels fabulous in white clothes. Richard Gregory is in love with Helene Tucker. He proves all this by the fact that he had to clean his school uniform daily, and water was scarce. He even goes to school just to see her. He denied his poor status just to be equal to Helene rich class. He obtained a ladies handkerchief just to avoid people seeing him wiping his face using his hands. The story itself is but a flash back in Richard Gregory life. To him Helene is a symbol of people who are better than him. The demonstration of this love is when the narrator does everything in his life for Helene. The narrator broke college record just for her. The narrator shows racism and discrimination just by the mentioning of color in his story. He mentioned that teachers saw him as a black idiot boy. He also mentioned that the only clothe that made him look bosom was the white folks shirt feet him better. Eventually the narrator shows that so long as one works hard in life he will succeed. He shows this by offering to pay the bill for the old wino in Mr. William’s
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
English is a World Language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
English is a World Language - Essay Example Perhps the presence of English mkes people lzy bout lerning other lnguges, or reduce their opportunities to do so. Perhps English hstens the disppernce of minority lnguges, or - the ultimte thret - mke ll other lnguges unnecessry. ' person needs only one lnguge to tlk to someone else', it is sometimes rgued, 'nd once world lnguge is in plce, other lnguges will simply die wy'. Linked with ll this is the unpltble fce of linguistic triumphlism - the problems tht society meets in the contemporry world. It is importnt to fce up to these fers, nd to recognize tht they re widely held. In the following essy I will discuss couple of problems tht rise out of "English going globl" new lndmrk report commissioned by the British Council on the position of the English lnguge in the world shows tht the globl dominnce of English poses mjor problems for Britin. Prticulrly, the globl spred of English, which hs brought tngible benefits to Britin nd other ntive-speking countries, will led to serious economic nd politicl disdvntges in the future in Britin unless plns re put in plce immeditely to remedy the sitution. Monolingul English grdutes fce blek economic future s qulified multilingul young people from other countries re proving to hve competitive dvntge over their British counterprts in globl compnies nd orgniztions. "English is, s ever, n importnt tool for operting on the world stge," sid John Whitehed, director of the British Council. "But Grddol's reserch highlights tht once everyone speks English, compnies will nturlly look for employees who spek other mjor lnguges such s Mndrin Chinese or Spnish s well. There is need to tke rdicl ction nd pln for the future, otherwise we in the UK will find ourselves t permnent disdvntge." (Butist, 2006) Figures indicted tht there hs been n explosion in English lnguge teching since 1945 so tht in his previous reserch, Grddol ws ble to show tht two billion people would be speking or lerning English within decde. (Grddol, 2006) But in "English Next" the reson for the huge rise in populrity of English is becuse it is no longer foreign lnguge for most of its lerners. English is rpidly turning into ner universl bsic skill. Sttistics showed tht nerly 60 per cent of primry school children now lern English in Chin. Wht's more, the totl numbers of English spekers in Indi nd Chin now exceed the number of spekers elsewhere in the world. s globl English mkes the trnsition from 'foreign lnguge' to bsic skill, it seems to generte n even greter need for other lnguges. Even in English-speking countries such s the United Sttes nd Britin, immigrnts hve discovered tht they not only need to lern the lnguge of their host society, but lso other lnguges. Since they tend to live nd work longside other ethnic communities, they my find they hve to lern other lnguges s well. ccording to n ssocited Press rticle lst yer, s new immigrnts rrive in lredy diverse neighbourhoods, the lnguge they embrce isn't lwys English. If left to themselves, such trends will diminish the reltive strength of the English lnguge in interntionl eduction mrkets s the demnd for eductionl resources in lnguges, such s Spnish, rbic or Mndrin,
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Being a Nurse Is More Than a Job, Its a Treasure Essay Example for Free
Being a Nurse Is More Than a Job, Its a Treasure Essay To me, being a nurse is far more than a job or even a career. Its an adventure, a continuous learning process that I embark on bravely each day, in search of life changing events and miracles. Touching the lives of others is a treasure chest overflowing with metaphorical gold, whether the help I provide is of great measure or remains unnoticed. The pride I hold in saying, Im going to be a nurse, is immeasurable. Nursing is more than a profession of integrity and compassion, it is a privilege that measures out my values as a human being and the responsibilities granted to me with the precious gift of life. The first time I truly touched a persons life, although the encounter was brief, was surprisingly fulfilling. A strong feeling of accomplishment and self-worth spread rapidly throughout my body and soul that no average good deed has ever accomplished. Nursing exceeds that average deed by far. After each experience, Im left with an awestruck attitude of purpose, knowing that I am needed in someones life. By saying, Im going to be a nurse each morning, I get the motivation needed to survive the awaited day ahead of me with a smile. In my opinion, nurses aren’t angels. They don’t go hand in hand with hearts and rainbows. Nursing is about providing care, yes, but that does not entail that nurses’ only purpose is to be a compassionate hand to hold on to. Nursing integrates science and care. Nurses take the knowledge they have gained from their education as well as their experience and apply it each and every day, all while, being there to comfort patients in their tim es of need, whether what is needed is an IV, pain medication, or an ear that will listen. Like it said in the documentary, a nurse takes advantage of opportunities, faces daily challenges, and most importantly in my eyes, is a powerful advocate for the patient. Watching this video enlightened me to the most significant responsibilities of a nurse. I’ve realized that a nurse is the liaison between the doctor and the patient. They ensure that the patient fully understands what is happening to them in their most vulnerable states. Nurses are responsible for patient education and for making sure the patient understands what the doctor tells them. Ardis Bush said just a few words that really clarified what being a nurse is all about. She said that nurses treat the whole person, someone with feelings, someone who may cry – not just the diagnosis. In other words, doctors cure, but nurses heal. Ardis really helped me understand the difference between a doctor and a nurse. Nursing facilitates more meaningful patient interaction. I don’t want my patients to be just a statistic. I want to remember them and how strong they were emotionally when they weren’t strong physically. This video showed me that being a nurse will allow me to do just that.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Murder Of Oneself :: essays research papers
<a href="">Sam Vaknin's Psychology, Philosophy, Economics and Foreign Affairs Web Sites Those who believe in the finality of death (i.e., that there is no after-life) – they are the ones who advocate suicide and regard it as a matter of personal choice. On the other hand, those who firmly believe in some form of existence after corporeal death – they condemn suicide and judge it to be a major sin. Yet, rationally, the situation should have been reversed : it should have been easier for someone who believed in continuity after death to terminate this phase of existence on the way to the next. Those who faced void, finality, non-existence, vanishing – should have been greatly deterred by it and should have refrained even from entertaining the idea. Either the latter do not really believe what they profess to believe – or something is wrong with rationality. One would tend to suspect the former. Suicide is very different from self sacrifice, avoidable martyrdom, engaging in life risking activities, refusal to prolong one’s life through medical treatment, euthanasia, overdosing and self inflicted death that is the result of coercion. What is common to all these is the operational mode: a death caused by one’s own actions. In all these behaviours, a foreknowledge of the risk of death is present coupled with its acceptance. But all else is so different that they cannot be regarded as belonging to the same class. Suicide is chiefly intended to terminate a life – the other acts are aimed at perpetuating, strengthening and defending values. Those who commit suicide do so because they firmly believe in the finiteness of life and in the finality of death. They prefer termination to continuation. Yet, all the others, the observers of this phenomenon, are horrified by this preference. They abhor it. This has to do with out understanding of the meaning of life. Ultimately, life has only meanings that we attribute and ascribe to it. Such a meaning can be external (God’s plan) or internal (meaning generated through arbitrary selection of a frame of reference). But, in any case, it must be actively selected, adopted and espoused. The difference is that, in the case of external meanings, we have no way to judge their validity and quality (is God’s plan for us a good one or not?). We just â€Å"take them on†because they are big, all encompassing and of a good â€Å"source†.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Eastern Religious Philosopher Quotations
CheckPoint: Eastern Religious Philosopher Quotations Siddhartha Gautama Buddha – â€Å"Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. †oI chose this quote because Siddhartha devoted his life to find balance and clarification. He grew up with wealth and being shielded from human suffering, and wanted to search for something deeper. This quote shows that he found something deeper from the materialistic life he led early on (s9. com, 2009). Lao Tzu – â€Å"To know that you do not know is the best. To pretend to know when you do not know is a disease. o Tzu believed that even the wisest of humans is still ignorant, and this quote reflects that thought process. He was very interested in how we should live and different ways that a good society is governed. This quote reminds us that we can always be open to learning and discovering even when we think we have mastered something (Axia College, 2008). Chuang Tzu â€⠀œÃ¢â‚¬ Do the clouds make rain? Or is it the rain that makes the clouds? What makes it descend so copiously? oTzu believed that life was temporary and that pursuing wealth was acting in vein and foolish. He felt that this pursuit distracted a person from truly seeing the world and its meaning. Tzu wanted to look at nature from a different perspective, and by asking the questions in his quote enabled a deeper look into this idea (Chebucto, n. d. ). Confucious – â€Å"What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others†oConfucious taught that to establish one’s own humane character was important and could be done by following positive role models from the past. People can always better themselves through learning and servicing others. It makes sense that a man who believes these principles would quote such a simplistic, yet profound statement (Axia College, 2008). Mencius -â€Å"With proper nourishment and care, everything grows, whereas without proper nourishment and care, everything decay†oI chose this quote for Mencius because he felt that if people wanted to become a better person, they would have to make the choice to transform their life. He thought that anything can thrive if given the proper care, and was optimistic about humans and their potential (Axia College, 2008). Hsun Tzu – â€Å"If there is no dull and determined effort, there will be no brilliant achievement. oTzu took portions of Taoism with Confucianism and added his own beliefs which are known to be a bit more pessimistic. Tzu founded a school and some of his students were philosophers and the future prime minister of Ch’in. It is no wonder that he would emphasize that effort is needed to attain achievements (Bookrags, 20 05-2006). Hui Neng – â€Å"If we are treading on the path of enlightenment we need not be worried by stumbling blocks. Provided we keep a constant eye on our own faults we cannot go astray from the right path†oHui Neng’s quote reminds me of the underdog winning a game. Considering he was illiterate and yet can have impressed his patriarch to be his successor is unbelievable. This quote exemplifies that although there will be difficulties in our lives we should continue to improve ourselves and recognize our faults (Bookrags, 2005-2006). Dugan Kigen – â€Å"Rejoice in your birth in the world. †oI like this quote from Dogen because he believed in practicing to achieve a â€Å"joyful life†. Even though there will be pain and suffering in the world, if you are to live life according to the Tao, life can still be joyful (Axia College, 2008). Murasaki Shikibu – â€Å"To be pleasant, gentle, calm and self-possessed: this is the basis of good taste and charm in a woman†oMurasaki was a female author that inspired many with her writings. This quote best represents her ideas feelings that although women were looked upon as non-equals to men, they can still pursue philosophical enlightenment (Axia College, 2008). Yamaoto Tsunetomo – â€Å"There is nothing so painful as regret†oYamaoto followed a Samurai tradition and believed we live in a world with change that is unpredictable and constant. Being prepared for these changes and anticipate problems will help to lessen pain and regret. References Axia College. (2008). Eastern Influences. Retrieved from Axia College, PHI105 – Introduction to Philosophy website. Bookrags. (2005-2006). Hsun-tzu Biography. Retrieved from http://www. bookrags. com/biography/hsun-tzu/ Chebucto. (n. d. ). Chuang Tzu: The Next Voice. Retrieved from http://www. chebucto. ns. ca/Philosophy/Taichi/chuang. html s9. com. (2009). Siddhartha Gautama. Retrieved from http://www. s9. com/Biography/Buddha
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Jay Gatsby-Pathetic or Romantic Essay
Jay Gatsby, undoubtedly the most love-stricken character in The Great Gatsby, has shown moments of both hopeless romanticism and over-obsessiveness. He has based the past five years on a woman whom he has met only once and might never meet again. His unrealistic dream of someday courting this â€Å"golden girl†has clouded his mind and made him act only in pursuit of this fantasy. Jay Gatsby is a pathetic character because he allowed himself to be consumed by his illusion that he and Daisy might ever end up together. â€Å"Gatsby bought that house so that Daisy would be just across the bay. †A stalker is defined as a person who follows or observes a person persistently, especially out of obsession or derangement, Jay Gatsbys’ â€Å"scrapbook†with â€Å" a lot of clippings†and pictures about Daisy shows that he has been following, and keeping track of, her movements for quite some time. At this point in the story, the question of intent might come into play, a person who favored Gatsby as a romantic can argue that perhaps he meant to give the scrapbook as a gift to Daisy when he saw her again, however, there is also a more menacing interpretation of this event, a man sitting in his living room feverishly hunting through newspapers and magazines for a glimpse of, or a story about, his prey. His â€Å"collection†truly shows the depravity and desperation of a pathetic man. Resorting to an attempt at bribery to get what he wants is another way for Gatsby to show that there is no limit to what he would do to meet Daisy again. Again, the argument could be made that Gatsby was simply trying to help a friend, yet if Nick did not have something he coveted, contact with Daisy, Gatsby never would have offered to help Nick â€Å"pick up a nice bit of money†. Nick may have denied Gatsbys’ help, but he did set up a meeting between Daisy and Gatsby. At Nicks’ house, before Daisy’s’ arrival, Gatsby is in a fervor trying to make the house acceptable for the meeting. Perhaps this was an attempt to seem worthy of her attention but more likely, this was Gatsby trying to look more important than he actually is, as was his flashy introduction to his home. Trying too hard to impress someone is definitely a pathetic act. â€Å"I know of nothing more despicable and pathetic than a man who devotes all the hours of the waking day to the making of money for money’s sake. †– John D. Rockefeller. The same could be said about a person who devotes five years of his life on a longshot. His dream is a longshot because in order for it to work, Daisy must be unhappy with her marriage enough to want to give up a life of luxury for a life of love. While she flirts with Gatsby, she is just doing it to get back at Tom for having an affair. While she may appear to be discontent with her marriage, she would never truly want to give up living in the lap of luxury. Everything Gatsby did in the past five years was based on the dream that he and Daisy would be together, a romantic gesture but in the end a pathetic decision for a pathetic man.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Macroeconomics Socialism, Totalitarism and US Economics
Macroeconomics Socialism, Totalitarism and US Economics Introduction In any economic system, capitalists and managers organize natural resources, manual labor and know- how to create and bestow goods and services. The manner in which these distinct elements are brought together and used is a sign of the state’s political principles and culture. The U.S. system of government is known as federal and is composed of three different subdivisions.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Macroeconomics: Socialism, Totalitarism and US Economics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More These include the lawmaking subdivision, the judiciary, and the executive. The U.S. has a capitalist economy whereby small groups of persons manage large sums of money and make significant economic impacts. The capitalistic economy of the U.S. has two approaches which include the standard and the nation-building approach. The standard approach is temporary and non-strategic. It views market improvement as a n economic issue and promotes narrowly definite and self-sufficient leadership. The state building approach is characterized by pragmatic sovereignty, sufficient governing bodies, cultural match and deliberate leadership (Flynn McConnell 214). Socialism is a type of government in which the community is subject to property and wealth allocation. This management may be carried out via famous persons or via the state. As an economic scheme, this type of government is exemplified by collective possession of production means and is thus accredited to communism largely because of the allocation of wealth managed as intact and un-independently. Socialist economics are the financially viable theories and activities of theoretical and accessible socialist economic structures. Socialist economy relies on public possession or sovereign cooperative possession of production techniques.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first pap er with 15% OFF Learn More In this economy, production is done to create use-value that is coordinated via economic scheduling. Totalitarianism is a form of government whereby personal freedom is restricted and all aspects of a person’s life are subordinated to the governments rule. It is a social philosophy that is understood as total control over communal activities. It is trusted that this form of government is an answer to economic problems in a nation. Totalitarian governments receive devastating support for their opinions and objectives when it comes to economic development. This paper will compare and contrast the approach to economics of the U.S. system of government to socialist and totalitarian forms of government. Discussion Compare and contrast the approach to economics of the U.S. system of government to Socialism Capitalism, which is the economic system in the U.S, and Socialism are both economic schemes. In capitalism, the economy is privatized while in socialism, there is a central government that directs the economy. While the socialist form of government vests more authority into the political organization, the capitalist economies in the U.S. contemplate more power under the rich businesspersons whose goal is profit maximization. Socialist economies are characterized by greater management by government. This leads to political goals of equal dissemination of resources in the society. In capitalism, there is equal economic prospects with minimal or no government intrusion while in Socialism, there is equal economic prospects with government intrusion. In capitalism, cartels can easily demolish an economy by manipulating every production means where as in socialism, schemes that cannot stand on their own such as welfare act as fiscal black holes. Both capitalism and socialism are fiscal ideologies though the aim of capitalism is profit and that of socialism is wellbeing. The United States economy may be depicted as a mix ed economy whereby the government works together with private enterprises to improve the economy. The United States, just like any other urbanized nation, has to endorse socialist laws via courier democracy to make it possible for smaller companies to expand and generate competition.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Macroeconomics: Socialism, Totalitarism and US Economics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In socialist economy, goods and services are generated directly for consumption. This is in contrast to the capitalist economy in the United States where goods and services are created for profit. Goods are produced due to their value thus ignoring the need for market-stimulated wants. Production in this type of economy is thus planned or harmonized and does not face problems arising from the business cycle. This is inherent in the United States capitalist economy. Nearly all socialist economies apply land, labor, c apital and entrepreneurship to their economic planning and not to the distribution of products produced for use as in the capitalist economy. The possession of production means in a socialist economy can be public, cooperative or communal. Economic planning in socialist economy takes a distinct form compared to economic planning in capitalism. In socialism, planning is understood as the creation of use-value in a direct manner while in capitalism, planning is taken to mean the arrangement of capital buildup to stabilize or augment the effectiveness of this process. Socialist economies ignore the free market and its price indicator. Its lack of enticements leads to a slow GDP growth. This is different from capitalism which has a high growth due to the presence of price indicators. It is thus easy to compute rationally how to distribute resources (Mai 145). Compare and contrast the approach to economics of the U.S. system of government to Totalitarianism Capitalism and Totalitarianism are both economic schemes. In capitalism, there is equal economic prospects with minimal or no government intrusion while in totalitarian economy, everything is controlled by the society. In capitalism, cartels can easily demolish an economy by manipulating every production means where as a totalitarian economy concentrates more on distributing rather than generating wealth.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In capitalism, the economy is privatized while in totalitarianism, there is an oppressive authority which does not provide its citizens any rights or liberty (Mai 149). The capitalist economy in the United States is a market economy whereby prices arising due to competition establish what goods are produced together with their quantities. Prices in this economy also result in fair relations amongst the several sections of production to overcome disputes. A capitalist economy is managed by the market laws and the sovereignty of these laws comprises the influential sign of the capitalism. Totalitarian economy, however, precisely gets rid of the sovereignty of economic laws. It signifies not a market but an economy of the final consumer. In this economy, a state planning charge determines the goods produced and how they are produced. Though price charges and wages subsist in this economy, they no longer play a role in determining the production process. They only become distribution me ans establishing the share that a person gets. In this economy, both the motivating competition fire and the obsessive striving for proceeds offering the main incentive of capitalism vanish. The central notion in the totalitarian economic system is the achievement of a certain goal. This goal is the rationale why a totalitarian regime exists and all the resources are aimed at the accomplishment of the goal (Mai 187). Flynn, Sean and Campbell McConnell. Macroeconomics. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2009. Print. Mai, Ludwig. Approach to economics. Littlefield: University of Virginia Publishers, 2010. Print.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Ceremonials by Florence + the Machine
Elegance and a luxurious hymn exhaled through the lungs of Florence Welch for the second time. Only days old, the new debut album â€Å"Ceremonials†hit the store shelves the beginning of Novembers month. Following up the album of two years, â€Å"Lungs†, Florence + the Machine added yet another kaleidoscopic collection of songs. The lyrics, benign and malevolent, delivered with such serenity and spite give the same notion of harmonized and rebellious feelings. Falling nowhere short of â€Å"Dog Days Are Over†, new single â€Å"Shake It Out†has taken over iPods in the United States, Ireland, and the UK Florence claims â€Å"Shake it Out†was written it to be the ultimate cure for hangovers to help her shake it out of herself. And then, as she advanced into writing the song, it became more about shaking out whatever was lurking in the back of ones mind, and shaking away the mistakes. â€Å"Ceremonials†reached the #1 album spot in the UK, the bands second consecutive number-one album, and #6 spot in the United States within the first week it was released. Just as Florence had said she wanted it to be, it is just a second, better version of â€Å"Lungs†with a darker and heavier sound. The recording of this album of sixteen songs was initially intended to take place in Los Angeles; however, Florence decided it better to record in the UK in Abbey Road Studios. Ranging her writing and singing into one appeal, Florence carries with her an art that brings listeners demanding for more of her eloquent style, and melodious music.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Car Accidents in Saudi Arabia Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Car Accidents in Saudi Arabia - Research Proposal Example  According to the figures by the Saudi health ministry, 598, 300 accidents occurred in Saudi Arabia in 2012(Toumi, 2015). These figures show that an average of 1,614 accidents occurred every single day in Saudi Arabia, and 67 accidents an hour. A look at the history of traffic accidents in Saudi Arabia shows that the problem of traffic accidents is among the greatest causes of death in Saudi Arabia; the history of traffic accidents in Saudi Arabia also shows that the rate of traffic accident in Saudi Arabia has been increasing steadily since 1971 (Ansari, Akhdar, Mandoorah, and Moutaery, 2000). According to the public health statistics, between 1971 and 1997, 564, 762 people died or were injured in traffic accidents in Saudi Arabia. During this period, 66, 914 people were confirmed dead due to road accidents in Saudi Arabia (Ansari, Akhdar, Mandoorah, and Moutaery, 2000). This means that between the years 1971-1997, one person died and four people were injured in every single Houthis high rate of road accidents has been attributed to over speeding and disobeying of traffic rules and regulations by the drivers in Saudi Arabia. A further look at the recent history of road accidents in Saudi Arabia shows that there has been significant increase e in the rate of accidents in Saudi Arabia between 2009- 2012. This increase in the rate of accidents in Saudi Arabia has been caused by chaotic driving culture and blatant violation of traffic regulations by some dishonest drivers.
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