Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Life Of Pi Fear Analysis - 881 Words
How Fear and Foresight Work Together Fear is defined as being an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief something is dangerous. Foresight on the other hand has a very different definition. The definition for foresight is the ability to predict what will happen in the near future. Throughout Yann Martel’s the novel, Life of Pi, he explores both the ideas of fear and foresight and how they connect. Martel uses a number of different literary devices, especially symbols, to develop this connection within Pi’s character. The major symbols that Martel uses to develop these ideas are; the lifeboat and Richard Parker. These symbols play a huge role in strengthening the interplay of fear and foresight and the purpose of this connection.†¦show more content†¦Another important part highlighting the motivation of Pi’s fear is when he is truly aware of his fear and what is going on. Martel shows that Pi has come to terms with this fear by saying â€Å"I must say a word about fear. It is lifes o nly true opponent. Only fear can defeat life. It is a clever, treacherous adversary, how well I know. It has no decency, respects no law or convention, shows no mercy. It goes for your weakest spot, which it finds with unerring ease. It begins in your mind, always†(2.56.178) This passage shows Pi’s awareness of his fear and suffering, as well as, that he knows he must go through much more in order to survive. The ability to have knowledge about future events is often crucial to ones next actions. For Pi, it is shown throughout the novel that he was always alert and that he uses his knowledge to aid him with future events or future things that he may encounter. The biggest example of Pi’s foresight coming into play is when he meets Richard Parker. Martel uses foreshadowing in the first part to show that a seemingly random scene provides crucial knowledge later in life. When Pi is a young boy, his father teaches him all about tigers and how to deal with them. Before this lesson he states â€Å"I’m going to show you how dangerous tigers are†¦I want you to remember this lesson for the rest of your lives.†(1.8.37) Prior to this, Pi’s father also says that this important lesson will save their lives. Little did Pi know,Show MoreRelatedLife Of Pi By Ang Lee1701 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"Life of Pi†Film Analysis Everyone grows up. Some sooner than others. It may be subtle, and it could be traumatizing. In â€Å"The Life of Pi†produced by Ang Lee, Pi got the latter. The major running theme throughout the movie is that the loss of innocence is something everyone goes through. Ang Lee shows this in the use of lighting, angles, and sound effects in multiple scenes. When Pi has to change his name because the kids at school were making fun of him, when he is forced to watch the tiger eatRead MoreU4A4 the Hero739 Words  | 3 Pagestheme. Use quotations from the novel to support each analysis. 1. The family business of the Pondicherry Zoo in India 2. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Kellogg Company Research Tools Free Essays
Introducing a new product into the market can be a very challenging process for organizations with competing businesses of the same target market. In order to understand consumer needs, purchasing behavior, and market niche, product and consumer analysis is studied in many forms of research. Introducing a new product allows a company many ways to understand consumers and to identify a variety of marketing opportunities. We will write a custom essay sample on Kellogg Company Research Tools or any similar topic only for you Order Now As Kellogg Company introduces a new nutrition cereal bar into a market of high powerful brand products, the company must first raise the interest of consumers already associated with the brand itself. Kellogg Company understands that consumers are moving towards a trendier way of eating breakfast that consists of on the go consumption such as bagels and snack bars. Picking up on this trend, Kellogg acquired Lender’s Bagels, the nation’s biggest bagel maker, and the cereal giant has also entered the nutrition bar segment with its Nutri-Grain Bar (AllBusiness, 1998).While competitors like Quaker Oats Company and General Mills start to become vulnerable to the change in breakfast consumption, Kellogg performs various studies and research to introduce the nutrition bar into the market and hope to stay ahead of competing trends (Kellogg Company, 2009). Market research can vary from a simple consumer survey card to more complex as a nationwide survey of sampled participants. With Kellogg introducing the new Kellogg;s Nutrition Cereal Bar, it’s important for the company to use research tools to implement the new product.Kellogg Company will use four research tools t hat will work best as the company introduces a new product. Included are primary research, secondary research, qualitative ethnographic research and in-store promotions and field trials. Comparing and Contrasting Research Tools Primary research is research that is customized for Kellogg Company’s particular needs by using proven approaches like analyzing sales trends and other internal company data from which the company can gain insight about the target market. Primary research delivers more specific results based on statistical methodologies.Kellogg can research sales trends among comparable products in more detail to see what has and has not worked for other companies (Aaker, Kumar Day, 2007). Kellogg will use primary research information that has been collected from consumers by way of surveys and interviews. Primary research data will allow Kellogg to find out about the likes and dislikes of consumers, and what triggers will motivate the primary market to accept a new product. Although primary research may be time consuming and costly, it helps management understand what products can be tailored to fit consumer needs.Secondary research will also be used in Kellogg Company’s research. The types of secondary information that Kellogg can gather include external data, trend reports, market statistics, and consumer buying behavior. In-store promotions and field trials will allow Kellogg’s to see what consumers think of the new product’s taste, look and over all new idea. Secondary research is often a quick and cost effective way of gathering data that is required while attempting to gain an understanding of the target market into which a company plans to introduce a new product.The qualitative research method involves a researcher working with a small cross section of consumers, observing and listening to discussions relating to brand, packaging, products and advertising as they relate to a specific company. Qualitative research helps a company to identify consumer perception and to understand the reasons behind consumer purchasing decisions. Kellogg will able to use qualitative research to develop new concepts of family brand products and support consu mer observation by finding solutions to ensure that the brand and product design is consistent with the Kellogg family of other products.The qualitative ethnographic research will be used in the in-store promotions because Kellogg will be observing consumer behavior in the market setting. This allows the company to gather more accurate details from consumers regarding preferences, attitudes, behaviors and customer interaction (Aaker, Kumar Day, 2007). In-store promotions and trails also allow Kellogg to ask consumers questions about what they are looking for in a nutritional cereal bar, and to give the consumers a free sample, coupon or mail-in rebate.In-store promotion and field trials will also allow Kellogg to encourage consumers to try the new product. Product packaging and placement serve as important factors when conducting in-store promotions because such areas are vital for consumers to experience new features and brand attributes. Allowing consumers to try a product prior to making a purchase helps them to base their purchase decisions on taste and nutritional benefit. While all the research tools discussed will benefit Kellogg Company as the new nutritional cereal bar is launched, some will produce more meaningful results than others.Being a food product, Kellogg management will surely gain the most insight into consumer attitudes and the target market through in-store promotions and field trials. This research method allows consumers to taste, touch and view the new product in the market setting, providing pure results from field observation and data collection. In addition, the opportunity to distribute samples, coupons and mail-in rebates allows Kellogg to gain new customers during the research phase rather than at the point of product launch into stores.In the case of Kellogg Company’s launch of the new nutritional cereal bar, primary research could prove to be too costly and time consuming as compared to other research methods. Though an important and beneficial research method, using secondary research, qualitative research and in-store promotions and field trials will allow Kellogg to quickly gain the valuable information needed to launch the new product without the extra time and expense associated with primary research methods. Marketing research is a key factor in launching new products.Market research provides an understanding of the size of a target market and if new products will resonate with consumers. Kellogg Company has continued to explore the consumption habits of busy consumers to identify how the company’s products fit into their daily lives (Kellogg Company, 2007). Kellogg Company plans to launch a new nutritional cereal bar that will attract new customers to the healthy and tasty brand, while continuing to be a consistent profitable market force for retailers.References Aaker, D. , Kumar, V. and Day, S. (2007). Marketing research (9th ed. ). Hoboken, NJ: John Wilay Sons, Inc. AllBusiness. (1998). With sales declining and cereal consumption waning, Kellogg launches functional food line. Retrieved August 16, 2009, from http://www. allbusiness. com/retail-trade/food-beverage-stores/738242-1. html Kellogg Company. (2007). Kellogg Company: A historical overview. Retrieved August 17, 2009, from http://www. kellogghistory. com/history. html Kellogg Company. (2009). Kellogg’s new products. Retrieved August 17. 2009, from http://www2. kelloggs. com/Product/NewProducts. aspx How to cite Kellogg Company Research Tools, Essays
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Project Management in IT Sector
Question: Conduct interviews with two or more project managers in the IT sector to identify the key issues in managing projects in the field, the critical success factors used for measuring success and why these factors, and, the key project management skills required to manage these projects? Answer: Introduction Project management is the tool of knowledge, skill and technique to project activities to meet the project requirements that is from the perspective of project in technological implementation by some set of rules and processes. Project manager provide enormous effort to train the development team members, and they develop skills through experience and education (Cavalcanti, 2014). The project manager in IT sector identify the critical issues in managing the project is to be highly organised and a good multi-tasker, to be good leader, be an effective communicator, be an excellent negotiator, meticulous about managing the details of the project. To become a good project manager they must have substantial knowledge of the platform, software and program that the company regularly work. An excellent project manager should possess expertise in the area of project. In this particular context, SCH group of companies are taken under consideration and different issues will be rectify with the help of innovative tools and techniques. Project Management Theory Project management theory helps to ensure a project properly. The project management approach is provided by the transformation sight on operations. In the transformation view, a project is conceptualized as a conversion of inputs to outputs (Fight, A. and Fight, A. 2006). . There are number of philosophy, by means of which a project is managed. These principles recommend, for example, decomposing the entire alteration hierarchically into smaller transformations, errands, and minimizing the cost of each task autonomously. Project management is the purpose of the association, skills, tools, and techniques to project performance in order to gather or surpass stakeholder needs and perspective from a project. The Project Management Framework Introduction The Project Management Context Project Management Processes The Project Management Knowledge Areas Project Integration Management Project Scope Management Project Time Management Project Cost Management Project Risk Management Project Human Resource Management Project Procurement Management Critical Issues in Managing Project Organization attention is determined by "time scales" and "capital." Reviews of concerned projects explain more reason they abortive Finance and time scale are significant, not the primary motive for collapse For example, these are several "early caution indicators." Partial/no full-time project colleague sustain Proclamation of work not evidently defined or granted Resolution is a First in Country' or First for vendor.' Scheme is highly dependent relative on 3rd party resources Lack of ability sets accomplished of overseeing 3rd party software vendors Tactical must win opportunities.' Limited possessions or talent sets inside vendor Incomplete technical resolution/construction Customer prospect not managed or communicated Apparatus/methods are not suitable for projected solution Key to Success Stakeholders are dedicated Business Profit are realised Work and Programme are predicted Team is elevated performing Scope is pragmatic and managed Risks are mitigated Delivery Organisation remuneration are realised Several IT projects administration structure have been expected in the literature (Collins, 2010).. Based on the survey, it has overcome the validate existing methodologies and identify key implementation issues and challenges in the context of public sectors. Approaches to Project Management Crucial Chain Project Management Complex Project Management Structured System Analysis and Design Method (SSADM) Influencing the Organization Influencing the organization involves the attitude to "get things ended"( Brewer, J. and Dittman, K. 2013). . It requires a considerate of both the official and familiar structures of all the organizations involved the performing organization, the client, contractors, and frequent others as suitable. Main finding from the interview Initiation stage 1. Resource allocation focuses on two points, scheduling and over commitment. The problem is seen as a pure project management issue one that deal with assigning of available resources to meet demand in most optimal way. According to (Ansari and Zhang, 2013) the resource allocation of IT project is not an issue itself.2. Resource allocation is a critical part of IT project management. It is easy to over allocated to IT projects. There are several tools and technique that deal with the issue of resource allocation on coexisting project.3. To predict team, the group have develop a framework called team. It is based on the concept that the team and the leader must have frequent expectation about the group function and about the leader's responsibility.4. The leaders are responsible for assigned task because the leaders are appointed by management and thus they have formal position and power. The leaders have coercive power and also have information power to access the information from any source. Planning stage 1. All the leading member of the team, leader of the team and an acting managing director of the project determine the interim and the final decision.2. Major stakeholders of the project and the former project officer and EC expert are willing to ensure that the resources are being used in the correct way in an IT project.3. Team needs to agree on who is going to carry out which role allocation (Goetz and Berga, 2006). The team needs to allocate the important role of the team member. The team should make sure that someone performs this role, or if the role is not allocated accurately, someone in the project work undertakes the task.4. In an IT project, the stakeholder and the owner of the project will benefit from the final delivery. And the entire team member also benefited from the project. Executing Stage 1. The allocation of the team member , and the performance of the team member , role allocation and good performance of the team leader, and lastly tools and advanced technology of the project are the criteria for the success which indicates to achieve the objectives and the benefits delivered to the IT project.2. The risk analysis tools are managing the risk management. The risk management tools first identify the risk of the project, and then assess the risk by solving the traditional problem after that develop the contingency plan or give preventive measure for the risk.3. The two processes, monitoring and controlling are very important for the IT projects. Monitoring the issues and requirements of the IT projects, and then process of controlling should take place. Closeout stage 1. After the execution of the project, it is the responsibility of the manager as well as 6the management committee to train the staff about the new software. Thus, training will help the staff for execution of the new software.2. The resources collected for the project should be released after the proper planning of the project and after the allocation the work for different staffs.3. The project manager is responsible for the execution and evaluation of the project. The team members and the staff help the manager in proper executing of the project Analysis At present, the IT sector is the booming sector all around the world. For the success of IT projects, it is very significant to understand the issues regarding the project and to investigate and implement the critical factors. A survey was conducted across some of the managers regarding the management issues and the critical success factor for the IT project. Now, the complete analysis of the overall survey will give complete knowledge of the important key factors in managing the IT projects. Some of the types of the i9ssues are as follows: Inappropriate approach towards the project A positive attitude is very much important towards the ongoing project. The staff members involved in the project must have correct knowledge of all the tools and techniques used for the project (Collins, 2010). Proper and adequate amount of knowledge helps for the complete success of the project and the business. Collecting all the relevant data, and suitable analysis of the data by the head of the team members helps a lot for the proper execution of the project. Lack of recognising the data or the project The team member or the team leader should discuss the project completely with the other employees or the staff involved in the project (Fight and Fight, 2006). The difficulties of the individuals regarding the project should be solved properly. Interference of the senior manager in the project The senior manager reserves the responsibility and many times he or she interferes in the ongoing project, which creates a difficult for the staff to handle the situation (Collins, 2010). The work of all the employees should be properly allocated. The important key points for the success of the projects are planning of the project, agreement on the project, schedule management, managing as well as solving all the issues, testing of the equipments, training and proper means of communication between the employees. The suitable planning plays a vital role in the success of the project (Dinsmore and Cabanis-Brewin, 2011). Handling the changes regarding the dates, resources, as well as the budget of the project, is very much important. It is the overall duty of the staff members and the team leaders of the respective departments to manage all the data regarding the project. The collection of all the data and their complete analysis will help the manager to schedule the dates and the resources according to the execution of the project. Each of the individuals or the employees attached to the project should develop a proper means of communication among themselves. The employees should have proper knowledge about the tools ant the res ources. New and improved techniques should be developed as well as implemented in the project. According to (Khalilzad and White, 1999) for every project, it is very significant to understand the situation of the project and working according to the resources. The deadlines for the project are very unrealistic and can cause failure for the project. Some of the other issues or causes for the failure of the projects are, losing the sponsorship, exceeding the budget for the overall project and lastly the run-resistant of the users (Brewer and Dittman, 2013). The best idea for improving the IT projects is to develop excellent management skills for the employees, which will help the employees to implement best ideas, as well as best techniques for the proper development of the project. One of the important point regarding the development and success of the project is to set best objectives and aims for everyone involved in the project. The project managers are the one who need to develop the best managerial and management skills for the proper implementation of the project. The project managers should be highly motivated and active; he or she should be able to solve the issues coming in between the running projects. The manager, as well as all the employees, should know that how and where to execute. One should not forget that technical skills are very essential for the adequate implementation as well as execution of the project. Developing an effective communication for all of the stakeholders such as the managers, the team leaders, and all the staffs is very much helpful in understanding the situation of the project. There should be training program for the employees involved in the project, as proper and subsequent training develops better understanding of the situation, which leads to proper execution and completion of the desired project (Collins, 2010). Every of the individuals should be prepared for the live event of the project. Thus, the overall IT project will be successful after collection of all the data, resources involved in the project and by their proper implementation in a systematic process. Every employee of the company working on the project should be highly motivated and should have excellent problem-solving skills. Conclusion Finally, it can be concluded that the IT project is properly executed after collecting all the data and the resources required for the project. The manager plays an important role in managing the project by understanding all the issues, as well as the problems. Training for the staff is very important as the training about the new software help in the proper execution of the project. Planning is required including the proper budgeting, costing and for collection of the data and resources. Overall, the whole of the project depends on the teamwork. References Brewer, J. and Dittman, K. (2013).Methods of IT project management. West Lafayette, Ind.: Purdue University Press. Collins, F. (2010).The language of life. New York: Harper. Dinsmore, P. and Cabanis-Brewin, J. (2011).The AMA handbook of project management. New York: American Management Association. Fight, A. and Fight, A. (2006).Introduction to project finance. Oxford: Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann. Khalilzad, Z. and White, J. (1999).Strategic appraisal. Santa Monica, CA: RAND. Ansari, N. and Zhang, J. (2013).Media access control and resource allocation. New York, NY: Springer. Cavalcanti, F. (2014).Resource allocation and MIMO for 4G and beyond. New York: Springer. Goetz, R. and Berga, D. (2006).Frontiers in water resource economics. New York: Springer Science+Business Media.
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